MCPOA was active in contributing to the 2004 update of the City of Monterey General Plan. City Officials on a regular basis contact MCPOA for comments and opinions on matters having to do with commercial property located within the city limits of Monterey.
MCPOA has a history of being involved in historic preservation issues within the City of Monterey. MCPOA is familiar with the City’s existing regulations and participates in the review of proposed revisions with City staff and policy makers. MCPOA always strives to maintain a proper balance of differing views with its main focus on protecting the rights of commercial property owners.
MCPOA has hosted several candidate forums and “issue” forums since 1989. MCPOA does not receive any government funding which allows the organization to be free to support candidates and issues that help commercial property owners. The forums offer MCPOA members and the public a process to weigh in and consider competing views.
MCPOA has a long history of being involved in water issues, including sponsoring many forums on water issues. These forums have been made available to the public as well as MCPOA members. MCPOA has remained involved in water issues and continues to monitor all water projects.
MCPOA has been involved in parking issues since its inception in 1989. MCPOA has been instrumental in obtaining additional parking spaces for locals and visitors by suggesting changes to the City of Monterey. MCPOA has been able to offer suggestions for the enhancement of the City’s printed materials pertaining to parking and has had much input on the City’s attendant parking lots.
MCPOA has maintained a strong and favorable working relationship with the City of Monterey regarding the issuance of use permits. The City has listened to and considered suggestions from MCPOA and has implemented many of them. MCPOA has also been involved in specific building permits and variances that impact the City.
MCPOA activities have also included contributions and/or advocacy in:
Economic Development
Citywide Traffic Issues
Annual “State of the City”
Recycling & Waste Enclosures
Grease Trap Ordinances
Lighthouse Traffic Corridor
- Ryan Ranch Housing
Building Sprinkler Ordinances
State Theater Issues
San Carlos Cathedral Building Fund
Monterey Public Library